

Botox Q&A

How does Botox work?

Botox is made from a purified derivative of the bacteria clostridium botulinum. It is injected under the skin with thin needles to eliminate lines around the eyes (crow’s feet), on the forehead (frown lines), and those pesky vertical creases between the eyebrows, above the nose. Botox is not a filler like Juvederm or Restylane®. Instead of plumping up creases and crevasses, it temporarily paralyzes muscle movement. This prevents patients from making unwanted facial lines. Along with temporarily reducing creases, Botox can help prevent these lines from worsening.

How long does Botox last?

This differs between individuals. In general, though, Botox results usually appear within 24 to 48 hours of injections and last up to three months. When the benefits wear off, facial lines will gradually return to their pre-treatment appearance. However, most people opt to repeat treatment.

Is Botox safe?

Botox is absolutely safe when administered by experienced professionals, such as Dr. Zhong and Dr. Sobhy. Botox is actually one of the most thoroughly studied esthetic treatments provided by physicians. It has been reviewed in some 400-plus medical journal articles and is used cosmetically in 78 countries. Botox has been successfully used for cosmetic purposes in the United States since 2002.

What does the process entail?

Botox injections take only a few minutes to perform and no downtime is required. The needles used are extremely thin, which means pain is generally not an issue. However, anyone who is highly sensitive or fears needles can have a topical numbing cream applied 30 minutes before their treatment.

Will I look natural?

The goal is to look youthful and refreshed, not frozen. When Botox is properly administered, patients are still able to show expressions. Individuals with droopy eyes, dropping eyebrows, or a completely frozen appearance are victims of poorly administered Botox. Botox is a technique-sensitive treatment and, therefore, it is crucial to select a provider with experience.

Interested in learning more? Call La Vie Med Spa today for a complimentary consultation with one of our board certified physicians.